Monday, March 16, 2009

FHL 2008-09 Updated and Official Waiver Draft Order

This is the waiver order for the upcomming draft. It goes by based on record. And tie breakers when more then one team has the same record is conference record. So here is the updated and accurate list of waiver picks. Done after the end of the season standings were done. I made sure to look up all ties and place teams correctly. The Flyers had 6 picks and gave the Incredibles his 5th and 6th worst picks out of the 6. Which wound up being the Snipers (11th) and ItsAllOvers (9th) picks.

1. Flyers (From Spiders)
2. Executioners (From Stingers)
3. Slashers (From Executioners)
4. Flyers (From Slashers)
5. Incredibles
6. ItsAllover (Trade From Flyers)
7. Flyers (Original Pick of LumberJacks)
8. Flyers (Original Pick of the Scrubs)
9. Incredibles (Trade from Flyers-ItsAllOver teams Pick)
10. Spiders (Trade From Grumpy's)
11. Incredibles (Trade From Flyers-Snipers teams Pick)
12. Assassins

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