Thursday, August 21, 2008

Major Announcement: Running the league on ESPN

This is major news and its good news. For the first time ever we will be using EPSN for the Fantasy Hockey and not Yahoo. ESPN is free now, has free live scoring also. 22 weeks just like we always have! It lets me set conferences up. The right amount of teams for the playoffs, 4 each conferece. And it gives 1 win out if you are (8-4-1) that week, so our standings on our page will be just like ESPN's, unlike yahoo was able to let me do. ESPN lets me do much more. It will be better on here I think, cause the living scoring. And now I want have to do the playoffs, everything will be the way I always wanted yahoo to do it.

I already set it it up. You will be getting the link Thursday night sometime!!!

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