Penalty Minutes was voted on and passed to be added as 13th category in our league. Will the impact be far greater than anyone expected? I highly doubt it. But it will make for some interesting weeks. There was alot of teams that hardly had a handful of shorthanded goals in a year. Alot of times if the team you are playing had a SH goal, you can 85% of the time mark that category as a loss. I think PIM's balances out the SH goal category. With penalty minutes it will be like shots, you will be in it till the end of week unless you are getting blown out in PIM's.
I don't think people are going to purposely sign fighters and if they do that it is on them to waste a roster spot on a player that does not contribute in other categories. I think players that are good or great will have even more value in this league if they can get PIM's. Players that were borderline like Sean Avery will definitely be on someones team this year. Plus D men are hard to find, now with PIM's it will make a few guys worth taking that you wouldn't take a chance on before. I think that it will be a fun category and might cause someone to win the week instead of going to a stupid tie breaker.
Once again if people are not happy with the way PIM's worked out we will take it away. It is what the majority of the league wants, not what I want like a few former teams tried to make you believe. PIM's mean Penalty Minutes in case you didn't know that already. Please go on the message board to further discuss this topic if you like...
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