Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stingers trade for Ben Bishop

The Stingers has traded his draft pick next year to the Malaga Road Flyers in return for Ben Bishop...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

12 Concussions in last 12 days in the NHL

The concussion epidemic continues to grow, now as many as 12 players have received concussions in the past 12 days alone. Some NHL teams have yet to report Ansimov and Nash as having concussions but word around the league is they both are being held out for concussion precautionary reasons.

Here are just a few of the guys that maybe experiencing concussion problems right now:
Ansimov, Tarasenko, Malkin, Nash, Bourque, McDonagh, Bradley, Sauer, Ranger

Monday, February 25, 2013

Stingers costs his team win by dropping Boyes

The stingers lost a week in which he should of won. He dropped Brad Boyes in the week to sign Paul Martin. Boyes was in his starting lineup which means he had to leave the spot empty. Brad Boyes winding up having 3 assists in them 3 games he was dropped for. With them 3 assists and one of them being PPA. He would of have beaten the Pirates. The Stingers now set at 3-2 instead of 4-1.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pirates call up Nazem Kadri

The Goalie Pirates has brought up Nazem Kadri due to the injury problems he is dealing with his team. Here is his stats so far this season.


2012-13 Regular Season19510155114012.54100014:5318:52

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Waiver Draft Picks Update

Teams that have no draft pick this year: ItsAllOver, OrangeCrush, Stingers, LousCrew

 Teams that have more than one pick:
 MalagaRoad Flyers: Flyers Pick and Stingers Pick
Franzburg Freeze: Freeze Pick, OrangeCrush Pick, LousCrew Pick

Monday, February 11, 2013

Spiders lost week because of not replacing hurt goalie

The Spiders has cost himself a week in which he should of won. He had goalie Jaroslav Halak hurt, he waited until Saturday to sign a goalie (Nabokov). Never put Nabokov in for Saturday Nights game. He then had Nabokov in on sunday night. The Islanders did not play that night and the Spiders had only one goalie play all week. You are required each goalie to play a game. The Spiders would have beaten the Torpedos instead of losing 7-6.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sean Justice (Crazy Eight's) takes over Slashers team

Welcome aboard Sean Justice. He is taking over the Slashers team. His team name will be the Crazy Eight's.